New Chapter

Created by Mary Ann 15 years ago
When someone close to us dies, the pain that we experience is not an sickness or a disease from which we recover. It is a transformation with which we must learn to live. With the death of our child, our wife, our husband, or our sibling we are forced to do the “impossible”: to construct a new life and discover a “new normal” in a world that no longer includes our beloved. The emotions that you are currently going through are very natural and normal under the situation. But please believe, that as difficult as it is to believe, you will not always feel this powerful and all consuming grief. For now you must follow the natural feelings of your soul and allow your heart to grieve. This grief can’t be skirted over, around or under. You must go through it in order to come out on the other side. Be gentle and patient with yourself and your family. Allow yourself to cry, to grieve, and to retell your story as often as needed and for as long as you need to. Eventually, you will smile and find joy again. You will never forget your loved one; he or she will be with you in your heart and memories forever.